Introducing Mobile Stack

Published on
July 5, 2024

Bridging the Gap Between Web3 and Mobile for Seamless, Consumer-Friendly Experiences

  • Today, the Valora team is excited to introduce Mobile Stack, a decentralized, permissionless and open protocol for launching web3 mobile apps on iOS and Android. 
  • Mobile Stack makes it easy for dApps, protocols and other web3 projects and products to build simple and intuitive mobile app experiences, unlocking a critical pathway for bringing the next billion users onchain. 
  • The first two apps to be powered by Mobile Stack are Troopo (from the team behind Stake Capital & Curve) and The ChatGPT DataDAO app (from the team behind Vana), which will showcase how web3 products can be reimagined as consumer-friendly, mobile-first experiences. 

The Big Picture

Today, only 8 of the top 100 web3 apps on dApp Radar have a mobile native experience. UX is typically an afterthought in web3, and mobile experiences are few and far between despite smartphones being the primary devices used by seven billion people worldwide to interact and transact online. That means almost every interaction that anyone has ever had with web3 so far was likely through one of the following cumbersome UX-combinations:

  • a desktop browser + a wallet extension, or 
  • the in-app browser of a crypto wallet app,
  • a crypto wallet app + a web-app

This has stilted the growth of web3 because - without a mobile solution -  protocols can’t grow beyond their current crypto native audience. Any web3 product that is serious about bringing the next billion onchain must: 

  1. Meet users where they are spending the majority of time: on their phones
  2. Provide a great mobile user experience

Yet, far too few people can interact constructively with decentralized applications through mobile, which begs the question…

Why hasn’t web3 gone fully mobile; and why does it matter?

Web3 hasn’t fully transitioned to mobile platforms primarily due to the substantial challenges in building secure and comprehensive crypto mobile applications. 

Consumer-facing crypto mobile apps need to ensure robust security, integrate with numerous on/off-ramps, support asset swaps, and accommodate multiple blockchains, which already makes backend development resource-intensive. 

Creating an intuitive user interface for such complex functionalities has been even more challenging.  

Without a straightforward method to design user-friendly interfaces that can effectively manage these multifaceted requirements, Web3 will miss every opportunity to bring new users into the Onchain ecosystem. 

Enter Mobile Stack.

Mobile Stack provides a solution for dApps and protocols to easily build, customize and manage a mobile-first experience that consumers want to interact with.Using Mobile Stack, developers start with a fully working mobile app that they can: 

  • Fully customize the app experience with your own brand logos and colors; 
  • Easily onboard new users to web3 using emails instead of complex seed phrases, fiat cash in and out options, referral incentives, user notifications and more;
  • Extend utility of their dApp by bringing core web3 transactions in-app: token swaps, NFT support, P2P sends to phone numbers & ENS instead of long addresses, transaction histories, etc.; and 
  • Pick from a host of additional features to integrate and customize your mobile app experience, including gasless transactions, news feeds, lifecycle communications, product analytics, and internationalization. 

And this is just the beginning. 

The Mobile Stack Ecosystem

As the first Mobile Stack adopter, Valora has enabled a diversity of cases for over a million wallets in 100+ countries. Some of these cases range from:

  • Facilitating peer-to-peer payments for users around the world;
  • Creating easy entry points to DeFi, such as simplified stablecoin earnings;
  • Driving universal basic income programs in emerging markets; and
  • Enabling learn-to-earn campaigns with partners like Coinbase.

Here is a spotlight of the first two Mobile Stack Ecosystem Partners we can that are implementing Mobile Stack:

Troopo: Save and Earn with high yield.

Stake Capital is one of the first partners leveraging Mobile Stack with their new user-friendly earning app, Troopo. Powered by decentralized crypto rail protocols within the Mobile Stack ecosystem, Troopo offers a stablecoin earning experience accessible to users of all experience levels. With a simplified interface, it enables effortless participation and management in just a few taps, harnessing the power of blockchain.

Vana: ChatGPT Data DAO

Vana is implementing Mobile Stack to support the consumer-facing component of the ChatGPT Data DAO, a user-owned data collective aimed at breaking the human-AI interaction data silo being built by OpenAI. This initiative empowers individuals to reclaim and monetize their ChatGPT data by using the "export my data" features of ChatGPT and other sites, similar to how Reddit users succeeded with the Reddit Data DAO. 

By going mobile-first, the ChatGPT Data DAO app amplifies the reach of a new economic paradigm where everyone owns the power of their data and the value it creates, accelerating the onboarding of the next billion crypto users. Most people have a phone and everyone has data. Now, with Vana and Mobile Stack, more people can leverage their data to participate in the new data marketplace.  

Join Us On The Journey

Mobile Stack bridges the gap between web3 and mobile, offering a solution that is both user-friendly AND powerful for builders. We’re excited about the future and can’t wait to see the incredible native mobile applications built by web3 with Mobile Stack. Developers and enterprises can learn more, access resources, and explore the transformative potential of Mobile Stack today at